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영문판잡지 English-language magazine
Aquaculture Magazine English Edition Vol. 2 No. 3
도서명 : Aquaculture Magazine English Edition Vol. 2 No. 3
발행일 : 2013-07-30
지은이 : 아쿠아인포
가 격 : 0원
목 차 :
Map of Korea
Main aquaculture species in Korea
Shellfish aquaculture in Korea
Abalone culture in Korea | Min Woo Park
Oyster aquaculture in Korea | Mi Seon Park
The mudflat cupped oyster culture | Hyun Jeong Lim
Bivalves culture | Yun Kyung Shin
Overview : Development and prospect of shellfish aquaculture in Korea | Young Jin Chang
Microalgae cultivation for rearing of mollusks in Korea | Joo Hyun Cho
Event news
WA 2015 _ will take place in beautiful island, JEJU
BISFE2013 _ Korea's largest seafood and fisheries EXPO
WANDO SEAWEEDS EXPO 2014 _ "Discovery of future life, SEAWEEDS"
2013 KOICA _ PKNU International GFS
Policy news
New Jasan Eobo project
Aquaculture Industry Development Act
내 용 :
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