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영문판잡지 English-language magazine
Aquaculture Magazine English Edition Vol. 2 No. 1
도서명 : Aquaculture Magazine English Edition Vol. 2 No. 1
발행일 : 2013-02-20
지은이 : AquaInfo
가 격 : 0원
목 차 :
Special Issue 1
Shellfish Aquaculture in Korea
Development and Prospect of Shellfish Aquaculture in Korea _ Young Jin Chang
Oyster Aquaculture in Korea _ Mi Seon Park
Abalone Aquaculture in Korea _ Min Woo Park
Bivalve Aquaculture in Korea _ Yun Kyung Shin
Cupped Oyster Culture in Mudflat _ Hyun Jeong Lim
Special Issue 2
All about Korean Aquaculture
Current Status & Future Vision for Aquaculture in Korea _ Sungchul C. Bai
Event News
10th AFAF / CAA4 2013 held in Yeosu, Korea "Blue waters and Green Fisheries"
2013 KOICA - PKNU International Graduate Program of Fisheries Science(GFS)
Korea's Policy News
Strategic approach to the development of 10 major aquaculture products in Korea
Green Fisheries Policies of Southern Jeolla Province
Korean Aquaculture Network - National & State
Seafood Exporters
내 용 :
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